Our Church's Coronavirus Decision

Today we sent the following email to our church family to communicate our immediate plans during our COVID-19 disruption.

BridgePoint family,

These days are reminding us all how special it is to meet together as a church family. Regular fellowship with other Christians is no small thing. But God’s also teaching us the noble privilege of enduring inconvenience for the good of others. Specifically, God’s calling us to be patient, sacrificial, and creative in the ways we interact.

I’ve never wanted to make this announcement, and I still don’t. I love and miss seeing you all, in gatherings large and small. But we must take what we know, do what seems best, then lean cheerfully into the future God has for us. 

Considering the information available to us, we have decided to suspend all our in-person worship services, group meetings, and formal ministries through Friday, May 15. The only exception is our BELA preschool, which will close through April 10, following many local schools, and pending further developments.

These measures may feel like an overreaction to some. But we believe this decision will honor the latest CDC recommendations, honor our governing authorities, protect the most elderly and vulnerable, avoid a relentless cycle of decision-making, and create a concrete window of time for us to carve out new rhythms together.

Obviously, the situation is evolving, with new information coming daily. If we’re able to resume church meetings sooner, we’ll certainly do so. But we’ve decided on a larger proactive approach instead of a reactionary approach that requires new waves of cancellations each week. We’d like to provide a lengthier plan instead of juggling contingency plans for weeks on end.

More information will be posted online soon, but here’s our broad plan for these eight weeks:

  • Online worship services: We’ll livestream our service each Sunday at 10:45am so we can keep singing, praying, reading, and hearing God’s Word together. We’ll continue our series in 1 Peter, with timely words for us all. Join us, and invite others, at www.bridgepointbible.org/live. We’re also discussing potential resources or connection points for our classes, students, and families with children, and we’ll update you soon.
  • No in-person Life Groups: Our weekly Life Groups will not formally meet, but you’re encouraged to stay connected in other ways determined by your leaders, and we’ll be suggesting ideas and tools to make that happen. If you’d like to connect with a Life Group, contact bdeleon@bridgepointbible.org.
  • No formal group meetings: All formal BridgePoint meetings, whether groups or ministries, are suspended through May 15, pending further developments. Our pastors are working with all ministry leaders to stay connected with you, and they’ll be in touch as needed.
  • Needing help or offering help: Please email Cindi Gundersen at cindi8d@hotmail.com if you have specific needs or would like to help others. Cindi and her team will connect needs with resources.
  • The importance of giving: BridgePoint depends on God’s financial provision through voluntary giving. We all know the economy is taking a hit, and everyone’s in a different position. As a church and as individuals, we’ll continue trusting God together, so please feel no undue pressure to give if you’re unable. But if you are financially able, please continue (or begin) a regular pattern of giving during this time. It will be important to sustain both our General Fund and our Missions Fund as we close out the fiscal year. In the near future, we’ll also utilize our Benevolence Fund to help those most affected financially. You can give or set up a recurring auto-payment by clicking here.
  • Questions: Please send ministry-specific questions to your group or ministry leader. If you’re a member with general questions for our leaders, please contact your shepherding elder. You can also send questions to our Executive Pastor Jeremy Griswold at jgriswold@bridgepointbible.org.

We’ll be sharing more guidance, plans, and resources very soon, and I’m looking forward to making the most of this unique season with you. I’m completely confident that God wants to teach us and use us during this time, and I’m eager to watch him work!


Pastor Gunner