Life Is Short… So Don’t Waste It?

“Life is short.”

You hear it all the time.

You hear it all the time despite all our western attempts to look young, stay young, and never grow up, and despite our over-realized sense of national invincibility. The ticking clock, the greying hair, the growing children, and the changing times all remind us that our lives are blinkingly brief. One mention of your favorite high school CD around a group of middle schoolers reveals just how much the times have changed, and not because they don’t know the band but because they don’t know what a CD was. As a new friend told me several weeks ago as we were talking about making the most of our time with our young children: “The days are long but the years are short.”

Now, the contemporary church has no shortage of books, sermons, and mottos declaring exactly this lesson, because Scripture teaches its truth, experience echoes its veracity, and urgency requires its recognition. It serves as the grounding indicative for all kinds of urgent imperatives:

  • The general encouragement: “Life is short — make it count.”
  • The pleasant reminder — “Life is short — enjoy every minute.”
  • The negative warning: “Life is short — don’t waste it.”
  • The ministry exhortation: “Life is short — serve the Lord.”
  • The missional admonition: “Life is short — reach the nations.”

I have a problem with this.

My problem is not that any of the preceding urgings are wrongheaded or unscriptural. My problem is not that Christians (especially young ones) are constantly being told not to waste their lives. And my problem is not with the connection we typically make between the brevity of life and the call to urgency, purpose, focus, and diligence. They are scriptural. And they are needed.

My problem is that when Scripture talks explicitly about the brevity of life, it often emphasizes the opposite of our calls to ambitious action.

Take this morbid salvo from James: “What is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes” (James 4:15).

How would you expect James to follow up that statement?

I believe the contemporary church has already answered that question (see above).

We are a people who can’t help but do. We hear something like, “Life is short,” and our immediate application is “Do better,” “Work harder,” “Sacrifice more.” Whether pleasure or service or mission, we remember that life is short and we instantly think: Act.

Now, this is all fine and good and (sometimes) scriptural. But it’s worth reminding that in James 4:13-16 James is rebuking presumptuous businessmen who are declaring precisely what we usually begin to declare in our hearts when we’re hit with the “Life is short” reminder.

“Life is short… I better start doing ____.” “Life is short… I better not waste my opportunity to ____.” “Life is short… I’m going to step it up and ____.”

But what does James actually say? “Your life is a vapor. Therefore, you should stop making ambitious declarations about what you’re going to do and instead acknowledge that God is the one in control. Wake up from your arrogance and remember — only with his explicit blessing are you going to do anything, much less do what you’re so confidently planning to do. You don’t even control tomorrow.”

Even the declaration that I’m not going to waste my life can be arrogant boasting (4:16). Why? Because “you do not know what tomorrow will bring” (4:14). My noble resolution that I’m going to maximize my life could actually be an ignoble presumption that I will have a life to maximize. “Instead you ought to say, “If the Lord wills, we will live and do this or that” (4:15).

My point is simply this: The presumptuous declaration of what a man will ambitiously do with his own life is the exact mentality that God is rebuking when he says through James, “Your life is short.”

So how did a similar kind of declaration become our applicational anthem for the exact same phrase?

That question probably has more than a couple answers, all of them worth pondering.

Meanwhile, what is James’ exhortation?

“Your life is short. Make the most of it”?


“Your life is short. Humble yourself.”

9 thoughts on “Life Is Short… So Don’t Waste It?

  1. Either we believe it or not, one day we are going to die.what you do with your life matters. Spend your time by making yourself available for God, serving the interest of the Kingdom of God and serving others.let us work for what matters, that carries eternal weight and attract eternal reward. How I wish that everyone will get to know this truth that nomatter who you, regargless of your status, your life is short and must be spent wisely.

    1. Pastor Amusan: I agree that we should use our lives fully for God. However, this is not the emphasis of the passages I mention in the post. We must interpret Scripture rightly and apply it first in the ways it’s intended.

  2. I watched a man die this week in a tragic, unexpected car accident. I held him as I felt no pulse and heard no heart beat. I’m standing before my church’s youth group tomorrow morning and telling them how it’s impacted my life in the past week. I’ve been humbly reminded that, yes, life is short. But ultimately, I’ve been reminded that God is in control. There’s a time for life, and a time for death. Thank you for your thoughts.

  3. Thanks, Gunner.
    I have a strong tendency to get so caught up in the imperatives that I forget the truth that they are derived from. I appreciate your insight!

  4. this post reminded me of this hymn. just wanted to post it.

    1. Take time to behold Him,
    Speak oft with Thy Lord,
    Abide in Him always,
    And feed on His Word.
    Wait thou in His presence,
    Submissive and meek,
    Forgetting in nothing
    His blessing to seek.
    2. Take time to behold Him,
    The world rushes on;
    Spend much time in secret
    With Jesus alone.
    By looking to Jesus
    Like Him thou shalt be;
    Thy friends, in thy conduct,
    His likeness shall see.
    3. Take time to behold Him,
    Let Him be thy guide;
    And run not before Him
    Whatever betide;
    In joy or in sorrow
    Still follow thy Lord,
    And, looking to Jesus,
    Still trust in His Word.
    4. Take time to behold Him,
    Be calm in thy soul,
    Each thought and each temper
    Beneath His control.
    Thus led by His Spirit
    To fountains of love,
    Thou then shalt be fitted
    His mercy to prove.

  5. Gunner, I totally agree. I think we hear the “Life is short” mantra and then we realize that we have been wasting it, so we self-righteously try to redeem it. This response is unbiblical and anit-gospel. We desperately need to be humbled by our boasting and our self-righteous attempts to live for Christ in our own strength.
